Contact - Let's Chat!

We'd love to hear from you! If you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to say "hi," this is the place to do it. We'll get back to you faster than a speeding cheetah! Actually, not that fast, but we will try. Got a question? Have an awesome idea? We want to hear it! Share your thoughts, and who knows? Your idea might just spark something amazing. Interested in working together? Let's collaborate! Tell us how we can team up, and we'll explore the possibilities together. Remember, no matter your age, you're part of our awesome community. Don't hesitate to reach out – we're excited to connect with you!

We haven't quite got round to building a contact form just yet, but have no fear, just pop us an email in the format example as below and we'll get right back to you.
Send to support at damaja dot co dot uk.

Please include the following in your correspondence:

Your Name:

Your Preferred Email:

